*Parents - Please see detailed information sent to your "CareMonkey" profile.
Dear Parents,
Earlier today, Premier Daniel Andrews MP announced further restrictions regarding both Regional and Melbourne Lock-downs. But don’t worry, the Show Must Go On!
These restrictions will prove challenging to all of our families as it affects every part of their lives, however we understand the importance of mental health and continuation of regular activities in the absence of extra curricular activities.
Over the next few weeks, our staff will gather more detailed information, however we understand the importance of planning for family events and commitments. Please confirm at the end of this email you understand the proposed changes.
Additionally we understand that parents will want to ensure “value for money” and will continue to offer additional free dance workshops.
Information for Juniors: We expect Junior Troupe Classes to return for Term 4 on October 17th or unless otherwise advised by DHHS and the Andrews Government. The ten (10) hours (remaining from postponed Term 3 classes) will be made up during Oct-Dec when further detailed scheduling is provided. We expect classes will extend from 9am-12pm when face to face classes resume to ensure this time is recovered. The September school holiday program will not continue as planned. Further rehearsal schedules will be released pending further departmental advice from DET and DHHS. We are tentatively holding Monday 21st December (School Holidays) for filming the student showcase. Pending advice, we may be able to have a small audience attend the filming.
Information for Middles: Virtual classes on Saturday 12th of September will continue
We expect Middle Troupe Classes to return for Term 4 on October 17th or unless otherwise advised by DHHS and the Andrews Government. The seventeen (17) hours (remaining from postponed Term 3 classes) will be made up during Oct-Dec when further detailed scheduling is provided. We expect classes will continue as normal with the addition of two Sunday rehearsals when face to face classes resume. The September school holiday program will not continue as planned. Further rehearsal schedules will be released pending further departmental advice from DET and DHHS. We are tentatively holding 14-20th December (production week) for filming and technical rehearsals for Elf Jr. Pending advice, we may be able to have a small audience attend the filming.
Information for Seniors:
Virtual classes on Saturday 12th of September will continue
We expect Senior Troupe Classes to return for Term 4 on October 17th or unless otherwise advised by DHHS and the Andrews Government. The seventeen (17) hours (remaining from postponed Term 3 classes) will be made up during Oct-Jan when further detailed scheduling is provided. We expect classes will continue as normal, with the addition two Sunday or summer school holiday rehearsals, when face to face classes resume. The September school holiday program will not continue as planned. Further rehearsal schedules will be released pending further departmental advice from DET and DHHS. We are tentatively holding 5th - 9th Jan (School Holidays) for filming and technical rehearsals for Addams Family Jr. Pending advice, we may be able to have a small audience attend the filming.
Information for Elites:
Virtual classes will continue until advised. Please refer to your schedule and updates in class from Madeline. We expect Elite Troupe Classes to return face to face for Term 4 on October 17th or unless otherwise advised by DHHS and the Andrews Government. Further rehearsal schedules will be released pending further advice. We are committed to filming ELITE showcase on Sunday 29th November. Pending advice, we may be able to have a small audience attend the filming.
A further note from CentreStage:
We continue to thank you for your support and understanding during these strange and uncertain times. We are so proud of our families and our students. Our teachers and Board of Management express their thanks for demonstrating maturity, compassion, flexibility and resilience throughout these ever changing circumstances. We understand that COVID 2.0 may cause some anxiety amongst our theatre community, and you have managed it superbly.
Term 4 invoices will be on hold until face to face classes resume on 17th October and will not be issued in the usual way during the school holidays. We want to make sure that each family continues to get value for money as we progress virtually and with alternate class arrangements. We will continue to offer free weekly dance classes for Beginners and Intermediate Free of Charge for all CPAA Students commencing Wednesday 9th September. Students will also have access to the 45+ hours of previously filmed dance classes by Katie and various vocal and dance warm ups provided by their teachers. Future dance sessions will occur on 9th, 16th, 23rd of September and 7th of October. More information will be distributed in the coming days. If you have any financial questions, please don't hesitate to email cpaa@centrestage.org.au.
Over the next month, CentreStage will be hosting an online Junior Musical Theatre competition with prizes to keep our students engaged. Follow updates on the Facebook Page and SeeSaw.
Kindest Regards,
Michele, Richelle, Trent and David.